Welcome to the University Tutoring Center

Tutoring Services Announcements

Our tutoring staff are current bc365游戏 undergraduate students who excel in the areas which they tutor. We strive to develop a tutoring schedule that provides as many available hours as possible for a variety of courses. We encourage students to plan ahead and view the schedule to avoid situations in which there is no tutor available. 

  • Tutoring schedule for Fall semester 2024:
  • The Tutoring Lab is open Monday-Thursday from 1 pm-4 pm; 6-10pm, subject to availability.
  • From 1:00 PM- 4:00 PM, tutoring services are located in Student Success Center- Room 203
  • From 6:00- 10:00 PM, tutoring services are located in the bc365游戏 Taylor Library- 1st Floor (Sandra Campbell Conference Room)
  • For Online/Off-campus students, Zoom options are also available. Please check with individual tutors for scheduling.

To schedule an appointment with a tutor, select their name and follow the prompts on the Calendly platform.

Alexia: Comp I & II, Biology I & II and labs, Intro. Sociology, American History I & II, Interpersonal Communication, Principles of Management, Prin. Marketing, Prin. Microeconomics, Prin. Macro., Bus. Statistics, Int'l. Business, Princ. Finance, Legal Environment Bus., Busines Statistics, World History to 1500, Human Resource Mangement, Music Apprec., American Nat'l Gov't.

Shehna: Principles of Biology, Microbiology, evolution, Cell Biology, Genetics, Organic Chemistry, College Algebra, Quant. Lit, Comp I & II, Public Speaking, Gen Chem I, Botany, Microcomputer Apps, Film Appreciation, Business courses.

Bruna:  Composition I, College Algebra, Plane Trigonometry, Gen. Biology, Microbiology, Gen Chem I and lab,  Technical Writing, Intro Psych, Intermediate Spanish, Agri Econ, Princ. Animal Sci., Animal Genetics, Public Speaking, Sheep and Goat production, Horse Production

Aidan R.: Comp I & II, Intro Psychology, American History I & II, Western Civ., Microcomputer apps,  Statistical Methods, Research Methods I, Industrial Psych, Intro Philosophy, History and Systems, Public Speaking